The Green Smoothies Diet


The Green Smoothies Diet by Robyn Openshaw is very personal to me. All of my life I was on the Standard American Diet and found I was starting to have health issues.  It started about 22 years ago after the birth of my last child I had elevated blood pressure, and my doctor put me on medication.   I had an allergic reaction to every medication that I was put on and decided to take my health into my own hands.

Green Smoothies

I found the plant-based diet worked well getting my blood pressure under control but felt I was still a bit overweight.  After analyzing my current diet intake, I realized my greens content could be much higher.  Once again I began to search out how I could increase my green vegetables without compromising my blood pressure.   The Green Smoothies Diet was the best I had found that was very close to the principles of a plant-based diet.

Robyn Openshaw the author of The Green Smoothies Diet is trying to help you escape the health consequences of the Standard American Diet.  GreenSmoothieGirl site went up in 2007 when no one had ever heard of a “green smoothie. Robyn states ” I’ve made a career bridging my background as a psychotherapist with my global research in nutrition, human detoxification, and holistic wellness.  My research says most people who follow what I teach, detoxing twice a year, and then making a shift to a whole-foods diet, have better digestion and elimination, lose weight, and have more energy.”


Green Smoothies

The green smoothies consist of a wide variety of different greens and fruits.  You will have to experiment with which ones you like best.  I personally started my smoothies out with:

  • 2 cups of water
  • kale
  • spinach
  • swiss chard
  • banana (1)
  • avocado (1)
  • mango (1 cup)
  • pineapple (1 cup)

Put water and greens (a handful of each) into a Vitamix and blend for 90 seconds.  Add banana, avocado, mango, and pineapple to the blender and blend until smooth about 90 more seconds.  This is my old standby and one of my favorites I have.  You can mix it up with different greens and different fruit.  The book has many great recipes to choose from.