Happy Valentines Day


Valentines Day is in honor of St. Valentine on February 14th every year.  Do you know the history of Valentines Day?  I always thought that it was a commercialized made up holiday to sell lots of chocolates, flowers, and gifts.  Check out what I found on the history of it.

History of Valentines Day

It has been known that during the Roman times around the 3rd century Rome was under the rule of Emperor Claudius II, he was having a tough time recruiting soldiers as he needed to maintain a strong army.  Claudius believed the men were reluctant to join his military because they were attached to their wives and families.

In order to fix this problem, so Claudius thought, he banned all marriages and engagements in Rome.  Valentine, a holy priest,  seeing this injustice, defied Claudius and performed marriage ceremonies in secret.  When Claudius found out about these secret marriages, he ordered Valentine to death on February 14th.

Legend also has it that while in jail, Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer’s daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it “From Your Valentine.” For his great service, Valentine was named a saint after his death.

 So in honor of this great Saint that sacrificed himself in the name of Love, we continue to celebrate every year and profess our love to one another.

A Valentines Day to Remember!

With Valentines Day less than two weeks away the pressure is on to get that special someone the perfect gift and create a day to remember.  This may take a little planning and consideration and you can pull it off.   There are several ways to go and gift ideas.

There are the traditional gifts such as:

A Card with  a personal touch:

A card with a box of Godiva Chocolates is nice.  But let’s take it to the next level and write a love letter fromValentines Day the heart.  This personal touch will mean a lot more than a store-bought card.  Then add some gourmet chocolates or even make some handmade fudge or their favorite sweets with a pinch of love added to it.  Give her a copy of the recipe and make sure one of the ingredients is LOVE! Go Here for Chocolates: 


A card and a dozen roses or a beautiful bouquet of flowers delivered to her workplace is a great touch to start her day out right. She would be the talk of the office as everyone will notice.  Another option is you can buy a Rose plant in a nice ceramic pot that can continue to bloom year after year.  Eventually, she will have a bouquet of all different flowers you have given her through the years.


Give the Gift of Wines with a handwritten message on the bottle would be a great way to start out your Valentines Day evening.  Wines are always a great gift for yourValentines Day Valentine, but a bottle may only be good for just that evening.  We can help you get hooked up with a great wine club that can send your sweetheart Premium Fine Wines every month.  The gift that keeps on giving and provides you with a date night at least once a month!!  The wines are not just from one winery but from different wineries from around the world and delivered each month. So you will have great wines every month to look forward to.  Go Here to check out these amazing wines:


Every girl loves the gift of jewelry.  I think even deep down that is what we are wishing for.  This is the Valentines Daykind of gift that makes your sweetheart feel special.  Giving the gift of Jewelry can be a very thoughtful and special gift and will make this a Valentines Day to remember.  Go Here to check out Jewelry:

Anyone or all of these would be a Hit!!


Ideas for Valentines Day at Home

Why would you want to spend Valentine’s Day at home? Perhaps the real question is why wouldn’t you! You can do something romantic and special for your sweetheart this February 14th, without spending a lot of money. Most engaged couples are watching their pennies and need to celebrate in a romantic way without breaking the bank. And since many restaurants and theaters are overcrowded and overpriced because of celebrating couples. You can avoid all the crowds, and create something special right at home.

Have the sofa pulled up in front of a roaring fire and some premium fine wines. For an added touch, serve Valentines Daystrawberries dipped in chocolate to bring out the red wines flavor. If you like to cook be sure to check the pairing notes from the wines you receive to make your home cooked meal an event to remember.  If not, order out from your favorite place, but be sure to hide the containers and re-plate the meal elegantly on nice plates. Don’t forget great music playing on the stereo!  For an extra special touch write a love note on the bottle of wine that she sees and will remember forever.  You can get a gold metal flake sharpie that works especially for writing on glass.

Spa Night

When your sweetie gets home, draw a hot bath outlined with rose petals.  Valentines DayYou can surround the tub with candles as well and have a glass of wine waiting on by the side of the bathtub.

Meanwhile, prepare the bedroom. Line the bed with towels fresh out of the dryer so that they’re warm. Get a basin full of warm water near the bed, several washcloths, and some of our great Soapcreek Spa products. Start her off with Spa Minerals that will detoxify and soothe any aching muscles. Next, try the Cane Sugar Whip that will make her skin soft and supple as a baby butt.  Wash that away, then massage in Body Butter that will deeply hydrate and soften her skin leaving it dewy and supple.

A Romantic Night

I know what you’re saying. Aren’t the above sexy nights? But this one puts sexiness as a top priority. We’re not talking instantly hopping in the sack either, but a Valentine’s Day full of passion and pampering. Sound good? Here’s what you need to do. Start by sending your sweetheart out on an errand and getting them out of the house. (If you don’t live together, you’re one step ahead.)Valentines Day

Meanwhile, turn the lights out in most of the house, and replace the lights in the stairway with low wattage bulbs. If you can’t easily change them, don’t worry, put a lamp or candles in the stairway instead.

Sprinkle rose petals like a trail leading from the front door, up the stairs and into the bedroom. Put on something sexy and lay out a sexy outfit for your partner. Ideally, this is a great way to set the mood especially if you are on a budget.  Fill the bedroom with tons of candles and turn the lights out. Then just wait for your sweetheart.


Don’t Forget The Kids

With all this planning let’s not forget to get the kids involved too.  Kids love Valentines Day too, maybe not for the same reasons we do but with a little planning, you can make a great day for them all. You can get them to make mom a couponValentines Day book of favors like breakfast in bed or do the dishes for the week.  Get them to help by making decorations and even make Valentines for everyone as well.  Then see if you can give them a night out as well with a sleepover at Grandma’s house or a friends house so you can create that romantic evening for just the two of you.

I remember my kids always wanted to be involved with Valentines Day.  As they were growing up to have would love to make valentines and goodies for all of their classmates.  My son did not like the store bought ones and about 2 weeks before February 14th he would hand make each card just for each classmate as he felt it was more meaningful.  My daughter would love to help with decorations and baking goods for their class parties.

Hopefully, I have given you some great ideas to make this

The Best Valentines Day Ever!!